Your financial donations allow us to continue to offer a practical education and share God’s love with the deaf children of Puerto Rico.
CSCD is supported entirely by the donations of individuals, churches and businesses. We do not receive any government support. The school and our missionaries rely on the financial donations of our supporters in order to be able to continue providing help and hope to the children brought to our school.
Thank you for putting your faith in action by giving.
If you would like to make a donation please sign up/sign in to GIVELIFY
or download the APP! 
Search for Christian School and Chapel for the Deaf Inc on the Givelify website or app and enter your data.
You can also use the link below to give to the ministry:
Or this LINK to enter the Givelify donation system
To mail in your donation,
please make your check payable to
Christian School and Chapel for the Deaf
(the name must be written out in its entirety) then mail it to:
- HC-01 Buzon 7111
- Luquillo, Puerto Rico
- 00773-9272
If you are from Canada and would like a Canada Revenu receipt,
you can donate online through Sixteen13 Ministry, partnering with CSCD since January 2021 (choose CSCD from the drop-down list)
By check:
make your check payable to Assembly of All Nations
then mail your donation to:
- Sixteen13 Ministry
Box 1660
Winkler, Manitoba, Canada
R6W 4B5