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We believe that

We hope you are too. If you do not feel called to serve Christ daily, well, maybe you need to find some quiet and peace with God to review your life.

CSCD also means Christian School and Chapel for the Deaf.

Our staff and administrator are here to serve God. We are here to serve the Deaf community. THAT is the mission of our ministry and we are thankful for these facilities. We open our dorms to you and ask that you in turn care for your facilities so that when you leave, we can add your names to our WELCOME TO RETURN LIST. While our dorms are not being used by Deaf students or others in need of housing, we are able to use the unused dormitory facilities (see photos)  for Christian churches and mission  work teams looking for cheap housing during their ministry in Puerto Rico.

We are also available to host your group for ASL INTENSIVE WORKSHOPS and Interpreter Training. Please ask!

The facility you are staying in has just been swept. It was previously used by another group just like yours. They cleaned and they left.

Please clean as often as you like. And before you leave, bless the next group by cleaning for them as well.

Here are our most basic answers to your questions:

  1. GOOGLE has most of the answers you will need. ASK GOOGLE before you ask Betsy or Dave or the host leader or your mother.
  2. The refrigerator should be EMPTY when you leave.

NO, we cannot re-home your leftover food or your half bottles of salad dressing. Please put everything in your suitcase or trash bag and take them to their final destinations.

Same with your – deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, razors, soap, etc – take it home or throw it out.  PLEASE

  1. We have an exterminator who comes monthly. We have insects who come daily.

If you find them dead, please sweep them up and give them the appropriate disposal. If they are living, please take them outside and set them free. If they are ants – well… they seem to spontaneously generate. Try to kill them and do not leave any food on any surface for more than 30 minutes.

4. You are responsible for your food. Buy it. Cook it.  Eat it. And do not feed the dogs… they will beg, they will fight. If you need to feed the dogs, please buy Pedigree at WalMart and let Betsy know you are now their benefactors so she will not feed them.

You are also responsible for your food trash.  See #7

5. Please keep the doors to your dorm CLOSED at all times. This will prevent the dogs from coming to sleep in your bed and spread your  garbage around your dorm. It will also prevent other wildlife from finding its way into your sleeping area. You are responsible for anything that enters the dorm if you did not close the door.

6. No one will come to replace your toilet paper etc during your stay.  You are responsible to replace what you use, so please buy what you need and bless the next guests by leaving a few rolls of toilet paper and paper towels for them to get started.

7.Garbage bags may be available upon request.  Our garbage pick up crew asks that we have all trash in large garbage bags (not in the paper bags from Burger King for example.

Please TEAM LEADER – buy a box of  tall kitchen garbage bags.  Carry they with you in your vehicles.  Put all of your take out food trash in one bag and place it in the blue garbage collection cans by the road.  Likewise, use those bags in your dorms and bathrooms to collect the trash.  Bathroom trash – we ask you to pick YOUR HAIR out of the drain and place it into the bathroom trash.  (One group thought picking it out of the drain meant pasting their drain hair remnants on the shower wall. GUYS!  for real!)

Please do not allow your food trash from take outs to  be stuffed into the small garbage cans by the hand wash sink or in the downstairs bathroom garbage.  The dogs will tear into those receptacles and will make a mess. Your trash is your responsibility. If someone in your group has a problem with trash, please pick up after them OR teach them what it means to “police your trash”.

8. Peace and Quiet hours are 9 p.m. to 9 a.m.  Please be quiet.  If you want to be part of the early morning swim team, please ask Betsy.

Betsy lives in the apartment immediately beside the carport. Her bedroom windows open onto the parking lot.  Please try to be quiet if you return later in the evening.

Christina lives in the apartment overlooking the courtyard. She will hear your conversations (cement walls have a great echoic effect).

If you have something to say, do it quietly so only those in your immediate area hear you.  Sit on the porch. Chat with a friend.  Read a book. Enjoy the space but remember SOME OF THOSE AROUND YOU ARE NOT DEAF – and do you want someone to hear everything you say?

Take a chair and find a quiet place to pray. When you are done, put the chair back. Please be responsible.  Metal chairs left out get wet and rust.

(STORY:  one evening, I was in the preschool classroom doing some late night work.  A man in the east dorm was talking SO CLEARLY that I was hearing it all.  He finally asked, ” WHAT IS THE WIFI PASSWORD HERE?”   I texted the group leader – “If he really wants the wifi password, please tell him he should ask more quietly at an appropriate time.”   YES!  The man was told the message and WOW WAS IT QUIET after that!  Of course, I texted the password as soon as I heard the QUIET – heee heee.)

9. The lights and fans do not turn themselves off. YOU DO. You are responsible to hit the switches and knobs. One idea that has worked for other groups:   Designate the LAST PERSON – this person will have the duty of the day to LEAVE LAST and ensure that lights, fans, food and doors are all off, put away or closed.                    ATTENTION: If you leave and do not turn off the lights and fans, the administration retains the rights to turn them off by flipping the breaker. There is a $100 charge to have the breaker reflipped. Second offenses will see your fans held in the penalty corner until you redeem them by cutting the grass and painting the buildings or some other act of service.

EXCEPTION is the extractor fan – one in each dorm bathroom.  Turn it on/plug it in at 5 p.m. and leave it running all night.  It really does pull out the HOT air and allows the cool air to come into your dorms. Please unplug or turn it off in the morning – otherwise it will just bring in hot HOT HHHOTTTT air all day.

10. We have RAIN sometimes torrentially. If you leave an east facing window open, you will be responsible for the damage done by rain pouring into your room. CLOSE the east-facing windows when you leave. The basketball court is EAST of the other buildings.

11. Wifi – ok really – most of us have unlimited data plans with our phones so use your data. Betsy and Christina both use the WIFI for their work (Christina works from home evenings and Betsy interprets Bible studies on Tuesday and often has video chats with deaf people other evenings) and if we allow everyone to access the bandwidth, we have problems. If there is a NEED, we will share the password.  Our bandwidth is not so good sometimes and I often resort to using my phone as a hotspot.  Ask your friends – maybe you can borrow their data for an hour.  Better yet, just set aside the hindrances from home and BE ALL IN HERE with your mission/service team.

We believe that we are CSCD

We hope you are too. If you do not feel called to serve Christ daily, well, maybe you need to find some quiet and peace with God to review your life.

CSCD also means Christian School and Chapel for the Deaf. Our staff and administrator are here to serve God. We are here to serve the Deaf community. THAT is the mission of our ministry and we are thankful for these facilities.

We open our dorms to you and ask that you in turn care for your facilities so that when you leave, we can add your names to our WELCOME TO RETURN LIST.

(We have a list of groups who are NOT WELCOME to return.  Please do not get your name on that list.)