Will YOU be joining the CSCD volunteer team?
Amber Tate, a recent graduate from an interpreter training program, joined CSCD in July 2021.
Her skills as an interpreter and Spanish-language student were put to the test daily as she worked with our newest students who are partially hearing, partially Deaf, learning ASL and learning to speak clearly.
Amber also had skills in music and was able to support our bell choir by playing bells as well as violin!
God surely blessed us with Amber whose served for a two-year term of service.
PRAY that God will move other young people to join in serving at CSCD.
PRAY for workers for the long-term – as in 30 or more years! We truly want to see this ministry move forward but without competent skilled laborers who also LOVE JESUS CHRIST more than anything else, the work cannot continue.
If you are interested in a short or long term missions experience, please go to our CONTACT US page and send a message. ALL of our workers, volunteers, long or short term, are dedicated to serving Jesus Christ. Check out this page to help you understand the meaning of MISSIONARY and CHRISTIAN.
Without our volunteers and our God we would not be able to continue to do the work that God has called us to do.
Valie has been volunteering at CSCD since 2014. we are so thankful to have a local handyman on the HELP! list. Valie is Deaf and in addition to fixing things that we break or that just break due to weather and time, Valie helps to counsel our young men as they experience life’s turbulence. We are SO thankful to have a Christian worker from the area and continue to pray for more of the Deaf from our area to come and join in the ministry opportunities here.
We are also thankful for the local pastors who give time to serve with us. Pastor Jerry Harmon from Maranatha Baptist Church in Ceiba PR came to speak to the students in our school chapel times 2018 – 2021. We praise God for Pastor Jerry’s ministry to our students and for his willingness to work with our ministry in this way.
Below, in the photo on the left, you will see our Special Events volunteer/Volunteer Cook/and Classroom Encourager, Marilyn. Marilyn came to us from Palmas Community Church in Humacao PR. The lunch room participants appreciated that her cooking skills. Marilyn also planned many of our special events like the monthly visit of the Palmas Community Church outreach team that brought lunch, some homeschoolers for fellowship and Young Life missionaries Jerry and Christina to challenge us with games and a devotional message.
If you are interested in a short or long term missions experience, please go to our CONTACT US page and send a message.
Without our volunteers and our God we would not be able to continue to do the work that God has called us to do.