Welcome to our Resources in Education Page!
ASL Stories Directory from the American School for the Deaf
Betsy’s Youtube channel with ASL videos for Deaf kids and hearing adults too
Clerc Center (Gallaudet University resources)
College Educated (resources for ASL and educational opportunities)
CSCDLuquillo Youtube channel includes most videos we have created as part of Word of the Day and our handbell choir
Described and Caption Media Program – really good for sharing video content with students in remote teaching settings.
Dept de Educacion en Puerto Rico: recursos para maestros
Florida Center for Reading Research – some is useful with Deaf classes
Financial Guide to Parenting a Child with HearingLoss
Healthy Sleep Guide for people with disabilities and hearing loss
ASL and literacy – Motion Light Lab Youtube channel
Motion Light Lab (podia.com) website
National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
Proper hand and wrist positioning in learning ASL (added 2023 09 24)
Recursos para Familias Latinas
Senior Deaf – Caring for Deaf Seniors
SignSpeak Education (link broken)
Signy – games to practice fingerspelling!
SD DROP Deaf Resources and Outreach Program
Speech Therapy and Cerebral Palsy
List of Deaf-Friendly Universities Edubirdie
Teaching English / ASL to Deaf Children
English Language Centre Victoria University
English Center at Gallaudet University
Kahoot – create an account (we use the FREE level) then browse for the game of your subject of choice – ASL!
Quizizz – create an account then browse the quizzes for your subject
Quizlet – create an account then browse the flashcards for your subject!
Supporting English Acquisition (NTID)
Ensenando Espanol
LiveWorksheets – excellent resource in Spanish and English
Newsela – teaching reading comprehension
Recursos Profe Recursos
Spanish Learning Lab (added September 2023)
Teaching Reading to Deaf Children
Hear Me Read / See Me Read series of videos
Civics, Employment and a variety of ESL resources with controlled syntax and vocabulary
Deaf Children Learning Center from University of Oxford
Education.com has many resources
ESL Literacy Readers from BowValley College
ESL Literacy Readers | School of Global Access (bowvalleycollege.ca)
Improving Reading Comprehension Skills
Principles for Reading to Deaf Children
Shared Reading Project Gallaudet
Visual Language Story Book App
Teaching Math to Deaf Children
Teaching BIBLE to Deaf Children
Deaf Missions video resources
Overview and Books of the Bible
Silent Blessings Resources
Teaching Online
#1 get a camera separate from your laptop.
#2 add a second monitor so you can keep track of your Zoom window, your OBS window, your teaching resources. Everyone has to configure their monitors to their preference. I like to have my camera and ZOOM window as close as possible so it looks like I am looking AT my students. Then I have my laptop just below the ZOOM window so I can glance down at my various windows and notes on my table.
If you haven’t used ZOOM – it’s simple. Nothing fancy to it.
OBS (online broadcasting software) took me some time to learn. You will want a green screen (we have everything from a sheet to an actual popup screen) and sufficient lighting. Think of the green screen as your whiteboard. This will be behind you (or in front of you). You will see it on the screen and can interact with it. I still turn around thinking I will SEE the words on the screen and then run into the GREEN screen! There is a learning curve and I am learning.
I use my external fancy webcam in conjunction with OBS then set OBS as my webcam (start virtual camera). Watch a video and it will all come together for you.
Lots of videos about setting up OBS and using the FILTERS to get your colors and resources all neatly organized.
#3 I find it helpful to have a document camera also. I keep a sketchbook on the table to the right of my laptop and an assortment of markers and colors. Sometimes I print the page we will be working on and use the doc cam to show what I want my student to do. Sometimes I want them to draw a graph or diagram and I can show them a sample. Sometimes I want to share a book I haven’t scanned yet. Document camera is a great asset.
I use this almost every day – placing the window for the reading material on the OBS screen and then reading, pointing out words. Better still if the remote student has the book or accesses the material in their kindle or on their screen also.
I upload everything to the cloud so I can share with my remote students. They can access the PDF files I make so we can work together. Their moms most often print the pages which is nice. I put the PDF on the OBS screen as a resource and then use a Huion Inspiroy H430P pen tablet to write on the actual PDF file on the computer.
I use a Google Doc every lesson to interact in writing with my students. I do this even if we are in class together so they can see their writing and my replies. Save by NAME SUBJECT YEAR MONTH DATE SUBJECT and you will have files to go back to and reuse. Many classes, I change the NAME and reuse with another student. I have to go through and remove personal references. You could save a TEMPLATE and make life easier. I tend to do things the hard way.
Here is a Google Doc I used to teach about this book: The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs. I hope the link works for you.
Here is a youtube video of me teaching a Bible verse. I am have PowerPoint on the screen behind me. Used the external camera and recorded by OBS video.
Check out Christian School For the Deaf – YouTube for more videos we have done.
In another attempt, I added the captions using WonderShare Filmora software.
These two app sites have potential to share the site then draw, write, play tic-tac-toe together: Sketchpad – Draw, Create, Share! and Ziteboard
https://www.wordsearchbattle.io/ NICE!
Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration (complex – have to work on it)
Links related to information and issues among the Deaf
and in Education of Deaf Children
Accessible Emergency Information
American Sign Language web browser
American Sign Language Resource Guide at Wise Old Sayings
American Speech and Hearing Association
ASL Resources
Country name signs
ASL Rose
ASL-English bilingual bi-cultural
educational materials for Deaf children
Beginnings for Parents
of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children
en espanol en ingles
Books and videos for purchase
Center for Accessible Technology in Sign (children)
Center for Accessible Technology in Sign (index)
Center for Disease Control
Hearing Loss and Deafness pamphlets
informacion de la sordera en español
Christian School for the Deaf
San Salvador, ElSalvador
Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD)
Deaf Education Teacher Preparation Programs
Deaf Hope – Canadian Deaf Ministries International
Deaf Missions Daily Devos
Deaf Opportunity Outreach – D.O.O.R. International
Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center
SouthWest office
Discovering Deaf Worlds
Family Health Reference to ASL for US Insurance Agents
Gallaudet University VideoLibrary Catalog
Hampshire View Baptist Deaf Church
Sermon Vlogs
Hands On Video Relay
Harris Communications – online ASL store
Hearing Loss Association of America HLAA
Helping Deaf Students to Flourish- Gospel Coalition
Hear Store (hearing amplification devices)
I Can Hear You Whisper
article re: deafness and cochlear implants
John Tracy Clinic
resources for speech reading
and early interventions
Mission Frontiers (2014)
Deaf Ministries and Missions
National Deaf Education Project
National Institute on Deafness
and other Communication Disorders
People Groups – Enter DEAF into the search bar.
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Ceiba, Puerto Rico – Ministerio a los Sordos
Ohio Distinctive Software
Browse for cheap and accessible ASL dictionaries and learning software
People Groups – type in the word Deaf in the search bar and you will get information
Post-secondary Educational Programs Network:
Advancing Educational Opportunities for People who are Deaf and Hard-of-hearing
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Sign Language Interpreters, Inc.
Signing Savvy ASL Sign Language Resource
Silent Blessings Ministry
Dr. Wonder’s Workshop
Finger Food Cafe
Deaf Ministries resources
Sorenson Video Relay
Speech Pathology links
best sites for Speech Pathology
Sprint Relay
ONLINETerp Savvy Online Interpreter Career Development
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Articles on Deaf Culture and Bible Translation
World Christian Resource Directory
XtraMath – in ASL
What is the deaf population of Puerto Rico?
Fact sheet compiled by CSCD staff
Illinois School for the Deaf –Cochlear Implant Support South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind
Texas School for the Deaf Math Sign Language Dictionary
vanAsch School for the Deaf – New Zealand
Deaf artists and professionals
China Disabled People’s Performing Arts Troupe
Dance of 1000 hands
Deaf Performing Artists Network
Deaf View/Image Art De’VIA
archival site from a 1999 – 2000 art show
Dieter Fricke – Deaf German artist
Evelyn Glennie – percussionist
Kathy Buckley – Deaf Comedienne
Ron Johnson – Living Food Farm
Suggested Websites related to Vision Impairment
(with special thanks to Mrs. Galvin’s class)
for Visually Impaired Travellers
Vermont Division for Blind and Visually Impaired
Home Remodeling for Accessibility by Persons with Disabilities
Coupon resources for people with disabilities