Information about Churches in PR
The Rock Radio
Christian Radio Station
(look at their list of
English language Churches)
Churches who are associated with CSCD
through friendship in ministry:
Calvary Chapel of Puerto Rico
Guaynabo PR
services in English
Hope Bible Church, Fajardo PR services in English
Iglesia Bautista Hermanos Unidos, Fajardo PR services in Spanish, interpreted into ASL
Luquillo Bible Church, Luquillo PR services in English and Spanish
Maranatha Baptist Church,
Ceiba PR
services in English
Palmas Community Church,
Humacao PR
services in English
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Ceiba
Ceiba PR
services in Spanish
Second Union Church
Guaynabo PR
services in English
Union Church of San Juan
Condado area, San Juan
services in English
Other Miscellaneous Sites
We Think Are Helpful
Clean Internet (Internet Filter used on CSCD computers)
Creation Ministries International
Culture of Puerto Rico
Global Mapping International
giving Christian leaders access to mission information
Gospel for Asia’s
free book Revolution in Missions
How to have a personal relationship with God
Learning more about Jesus
Bible Sprout resources
10 Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity
Our Favorite Weather Links
tropical weather report
Weather for Luquillo
Weather for Luquillo
Caribbean Satellite
National Hurricane Center
Atlantic Satellite