We have added a puppy to our “Alarm System” at the school Zyba, who is NOT a Great Dane, looks a lot like Delilah who is a Great Dane (Petite). Our brown dog, Roxy, is not a fan of Zyba (yet).
Thursday evenings, we have an ASL class for the parents of our tiny student Natalia. I love the picture on the right above – while a visitor was playing with Natalia (seated with her dad), Philip (himself a deaf adult) was sharing his life experiences with the parents. So much learning was happening around that table and I was able to sit there and enjoy watching it unfold. Pray for all involved in this picture – the parents as they learn ASL and have their own life experiences raising a hearing-impaired child, Philip as he helps from his perspective, the young lady who played with Natalia and the ways God will use her in the future, Natalia and her future in learning and life…
We had a lovely Valentine’s Day luncheon presented by Glenda (center photo). I love that our married couples show their affection in good ways. So many of our students don’t see their parents interacting in the best ways. Having real-life Christian married people on the premises and coming to the dining room to share their lives with our students has always been a benefit to the students. Pray for the students’ families and their sensitivity to things of God.