Principal’s Page or Betsy’s Blessings
In February 2023, Betsy’s mother moved in PR to live with her. Ruth Hoke is beginning to decline with age – needing help with her cooking, medications, daily routines – and we expect the decline to continue. Pray for Betsy as she ministers to her mother as well as to the Deaf community, her church family and the student families.
Pray for Betsy as she is now the age of the grandmother’s of our students. Pray for her hands to continue to be strong and her creativity to be on track with the students she is working with. Betsy is pictured in the photo to the left above as he presents Mizael with his medals for the school year.
Check our Betsy’s youtube channel.
Work is not WORK unless there is some kind of drama. . The photos at the left are STAGED but often the drama is real. Your prayers are coveted!
For the most UP TO DATE information, read Musing and Amusings (Betsy’s blog)
Betsy, as the only trained and full-time certified teacher on staff this year, is teaching all school subjects full time to the students.
She continues to lead the handbell choir and to carry out the duties of principal. Please pray for her as she comes to mind. Pray also for teachers who can handle the DRAMA and lessons of teenagers.
And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel
but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,
in humility correcting those who are in opposition,
if God perhaps will grant them repentance,
so that they may know the truth
2 Timothy 2: 24 & 25
Betsy asks your prayers for wisdom and grace as she serves the students, their families, the staff and volunteers of the school
How Betsy Came to CSCD
When she was 12-years-old, Betsy Hoke took her first sign language class, accompanying her mother who had met a deaf woman through her job.
Betsy helped with a deaf ministry in her church from 1977 until 1980, when she left to study education of the Deaf at Penn State University. In 1983 Betsy Hoke graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in education of the Deaf and a Pennsylvania state teacher’s certificate.
Betsy’s pastor at Calvary Bible Church in Hanover PA knew of the ministry at E.S.D. and passed a copy of the With These Hands newsletter on to her. She wrote a letter and was soon talking with her home church and representatives from the school regarding the needs of the school and the way God was leading.
In August 1984, Betsy arrived at E.S.D. as a short-term teacher.
She is pictured in the center below.

Betsy (standing) with the Students and Co-Workers in September 2014.