Interested in a working holiday with a group? Read on!
CSCD is not a travel agency nor youth hostel nor hotel. Please do not call or write with questions about your travel plans. If you are on the island and would like to visit CSCD for a few hours, please call or write to make a plan.
CHECK THE CALENDAR for availability of the dorms and facilities
Read our VISTOR’S FAQ document
- Do you agree with our Doctrinal Statement?
While total agreement is not necessary on every paragraph, we do need to know that you and your group are Christians, willing to submit to God’s Word and willing to work with the present staff and administration of CSCD. - Read, print, distribute to each team member, get signed, and also plan to enact this agreement which will help you know our expectations of visiting workers and the standards we strive to uphold. Read this document answering the Frequently Asked Questions from previous teams.
If you are in agreement with these two documents, contact the school office to begin the process of making a plan that will be mutually beneficial to all ministries involved. As a first step, we ask that you complete a brief background questionaire so that we know a little about you. The questionnaire was made up for an individual but you may modify it for a group. The e-mail address listed as a contact on the form is no longer in use. Please send e-mails to
The Round Trip Missions website will help you to organize and prepare your team. Look into their resources as you pray about bringing your group to CSCD.
READ this blog from a work team who visited in May 2011.
READ this blog from a work team preparing to visit in May 2012.
If you are in agreement with working to prevent accidents, you are welcome to continue the application process to bring a group to work at CSCD! (This form was created to groups from the island though it can be modified for use with off-island workers and work teams. The e-mail address listed as a contact on the form is no longer in use.)
General Information
We have two short-term worker suites. Each has three bedrooms equipped with between 1 and 4 beds – there are 8 beds in one suite and 10 in the other, as well as bathrooms and a kitchenette. They are all comfy in a tropical sort of way.
The CSCD area is secluded but not isolated. The school grounds (go to our homepage and scroll down to the google map – you can SEE the area) are near to a little neighborhood. We have a gate which we keep closed for most of the day and all of the night to keep out strays and keep our dogs from chasing cars.
Our area is safe and well-patrolled by the police. Are those contrary ideas? Most of the people in the area respect and help us. There are a few random passersby that may cause trouble but mostly they pass by. Our last incident was in October 2009 when someone tried to get into our minivan. They gave up after breaking the door handle. We think they took our GPS. BUT there have been some shootings in the neighborhood down the road and across the bridge from the school. We recommend not driving through that area at night AND like to say “there is really no place to be after 9 p.m. that is safe so just come back to the school.”
There have been shootings recently (2011-2012) in the neighborhood closest to our school. We recommend NO LOITERing near the road and school front at all times but especially at night. We recommend that guests and residents use indoor spaces for table games (as opposed to the picnic tables outside) and evening activities. We reccommend that everyone remain aware of their surroundings at all times. Better to be super safe than really sorry later!
Leave nothing of value in vehicles anywhere in PR.
Again, looking through our website and you will see pics of the buildings which are secure. There ARE bars on the windows and some of the doors – security was in mind when building. All doors have locks – we use them.
We usually ask for $10 per person per night to cover general expenses – electricity, water, incidentals. We do have some sheets but each person should bring along a beach towel and a bath towel. Some groups have brought sheets along and donated them to the worker suites for others to use. We appreciate this and when we get an overflow of sheets, we take them to local hospices and donate them there.
When considering expenses, if you are able to use our vans, add $100(?) for van wear and tear + wash it before you leave for the airport. Fill it up on your way to the airport and we will be happy to have it back in similar shape to what we loaned it. The van is 15 passenger so with the sleeping capacity of 14 and the need to have an ESD driver (or GPS!) to get you around, a nice team size is 14!
When you do come, we can meet you with a 15 passenger van + another vehicle to carry so that all luggage (if our vehicles are working) and supplies can be hauled to Luquillo which is a 45 minute drive when nothing gets in the way!
Interested in a holiday in the tropics?
Click on the link above for recommendations of
activities and places to stay!